Our Teachers and

Essential Employees

I am a pro-labor candidate. We must take care of the people who take care of us every day.  From our teachers to our firefighters, police, and city hall staff, we have an amazing talent pool of city workers that deserve the respect and dignity we can offer them as a progressive city.  We need to rebuild bridges of trust so that we can move forward towards collaborative solutions and reforms for our city.

Our Parks

Malden only has 6.2% of open space, not including our cemeteries (Malden Open Space & Recreation Plan 2017, p. 54). We need to maintain and nurture our living green grass parks and open space for residents to enjoy. These spaces have been left unmaintained for far too long. We will implement a Malden Parks Commission which will oversee all park maintenance as required by our city charter. It's time that we make our parks and natural spaces the crown jewel of Malden as Elisha Converse and the Olmsted Bros. intended. With proper grass maintenance and science-backed practices, we will have state-of-the-art natural grass facilities for our residents to enjoy, both young and old. 

Our Neighborhoods

We have seen Malden Center build and grow while neighborhoods stay the same and businesses leave. We must now move our focus to our neighborhood squares and centers. We will dedicate increased resources, support, and training to new and current businesses that best reflect our neighborhoods. We will collaborate to come up with concrete answers to address skyrocketing rents. Longtime residents should not be priced out of their homes, and small landlords should not fear missing their mortgage payments. Lets build our neighborhoods so that we can rely on each other.  We want to travel down the street, instead of across town, to enjoy our lives and support our small businesses.

Our People

All of our voices have yet to be heard. Language access from City Hall has recently increased (Thank you Elena Martinez!), but we have more work to do. Dramatically increased outreach is key to insuring active participation from our many diverse populations. Malden has been officially a minority-majority city since the last U.S. Census. It's the job of this government to make sure that we address the needs of all of Malden's residents quickly and efficiently. We will create an Office of Public Engagement that oversees our efforts to increase public participation in city services and projects, and that tracks the data to make sure that these efforts are working and successful.  

"Look at any list, poll or data set available, and the same answer is evident: Malden is one of the most diverse communities in Massachusetts. That designation was proven by the granddaddy of all data – the U.S. Census – which showed that for the first time in its nearly 400-year history, Malden is officially a “minority-majority” city. Nearly half of Malden’s now 66,000-plus (and growing) residents were born in a country other than the United States."

Steve Freker, "Malden’s Municipal Language Access Provision Expands, Improves." 

Malden Advocate, March 17, 2023,